Bee's Knees Massage Balm.
The base oils of certified organic olive and hemp oils are infused with comfrey, arnica and rue. We then add kunzea essential oil.
The base of Bee's Knees Massage Balm is olive oil and hemp oils infused with comfrey root.....a very strong infusion. It is then doubly infused with the herb rue, known as the Herb of Grace and also arnica flowers. The balm also contains kunzea essential oil which is an Australian oil which has been scientifically proven to relieve pain, especially of arthritis.
I believe that many conditions can be improved using massage. For many, BUT NOT ALL, conditions....if it hurts....rub it! Bee's Knees massage balm is designed to be used in conjunction with that healing massage. (To know if your particular condition will benefit from massage please seek the advice of a trusted healthcare professional)
As with all my formulas I seek to achieve BALANCE and HARMONY within the product. I thoroughly enjoy making my products and it certainly makes me happy when my customers relay their wonderful stories to me. I recommend using the balm as often as possible along with massage. Often my customers will come back to saying "Well I don't know if it was the balm or the massage, but I am so much better!" I don't know either, but I do know that following Mother Nature's lead and making products to achieve balance and harmony is a good formula!
Please see testimonials below.
I have been making Massages Balms for about 10 years and have only recently secured a steady supply of top class comfrey root so I can increase production. Much of the comfrey is grown in my own garden beds with the addition of compost and worm castings, some is grown on a remote organic farm.
Always test any new topical product by dabbing a few drops onto the skin, leaving overnight and ensuring that there is no adverse reaction.
The above statements have not been evaluated by the Therapeutic Goods Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Always consult your physician.
A good part of my life is spent growing, harvesting and processing comfrey. I love it. You can see in the photos the root just harvested, the root with its root bark and the residue root bark which has been removed. It is this root bark that contains most of the pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PA's), which are the substances within comfrey that have been found to be problematic if ingested in large quantities. This substance is also present in the leaves. I think there would only be microscopic amounts of these PAs in my Comfrey root oil and balm.
The growing of comfrey improves the soil.....the roots break up clay, the leaves grow vigorously thru spring and summer and start to die back in autumn returning to the soil all the minerals that have been mined by the strong roots. So, the soil improves every year and the comfrey and other plants that I grow just get more and more powerful and potent. Beautiful soil....beautiful products....beautiful YOU!
I often say that the making of the balm kind of calls the tune in my life. I have just gone through the harvesting and processing season, soon the making of the oils and balms will ramp up and then I will spend more time sitting at my computer to make sure I spread the word. DO you see the last photo in this post? I call him my Little Comfrey Conductor....Calling the Tune!
I hope you enjoy using my products as much as I enjoy making them!